
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Speed Ladder

Good speed run after a fairly fast 20 mile run on Saturday.  We won't rehash the details of that run here, some of you know what I'm talking about.  I was wrong, plain and simple.  But word to the wise, if you're gonna throw stones ... probably better make sure you don't blog in a glass house.

I ran a structured ladder workout this morning for the first time.   I've ran variations of this workout in the past, but this morning I was diligent with the distances and the paces.

2 mile warm up
400M @ 5:19 pace
800M @ 5:30 pace
1200M @ 5:42 pace
1 mile @ 5:41 pace
1200M @ 5:42 pace
800M @ 5:35 pace
400M@ 4:56 pace
2 mile cool down

Pretty good workout, although I'd like to be a little faster.  I'm about 7-8 pounds over race weight right now, so that's not helping.  Plus, the hip is probably about 90%, although I didn't feel it all this morning during the workout.  I also got in a good leg strengthening workout after the run.  So, it was a good morning.  Have a great week.
... Be Great Today!


  1. Hey Jim, I have a question for you-i'm sure you've mentioned this somewhere before but since you wake up before the buttcrack of dawn for your morning runs/workouts,do you eat any breakfast or wait until after your run to refuel?
    also,great job on the ladders! I haven't done those in a while so I may add those in the mix this week!!
    : )

    1. Hey Melissa - I don't eat much before weekday runs. I eat a banana everyday first thing, and then depending on the workout will eat a couple of tablespoons of peanut butter, and maybe a mouthful of dry steel cut oats, but that's it pre-run. Most of the time before a long run I'll eat a little more, but usually I'm not a huge pre-run meal eater, mainly because I don't want to deal with a full stomach during the run. But I'll usually eat eggs, a bowl of steel cut oats, blueberries, peanut butter, honey on toast or gluten-free bagels or something like that. I really fill up after runs more than before.

  2. We often do a workout like that in out speed sessions. They're kind of fun (as long as you like the concept of pain). Your middle reps were so consistent. Good job!

  3. I see a FOUR up there. Gee, settle down.

  4. Just did something like this on Wednesday with my Coach. Of course not quite as fast ...

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