
Thursday, August 6, 2015

Tempo Thursday: 8mi@6:33

Pretty good Tempo Run this morning considering the conditions, my weight, and energy level.

Conditions: 70 degrees, 90% humidity
Weight: 180
Energy Level: Low

Maintaining any pace at all in this humidity is sooo difficult right now.  It just saps your energy, but maybe more importantly ... your focus.  All I can think about is how hard it is to breath and how much I'm sweating.  The pace is definitely secondary.  Plus, my weight is not optimal right now, but I'm carrying a little more muscle than I typically do, so I'm not too worried about that at this point.

This morning's run was 11 miles total with 9 miles@6:40/pace, and the last 8 were actually at 6:33/pace.  So considering the conditions, the workout was pretty decent.  Plus, it actually accidentally turned into a Progressive Run since each mile got faster.  I killed the last two miles at tempo pace and honestly felt like I could have gone a couple more if necessary.  When I started, I felt pretty crappy, but seemed to get stronger the longer I ran.  Here are the splits ...

Warm up 8:56 ... 7:40   6:57   6:47   6:38   6:31   6:28   6:25   6:20   6:17 ... Cool down 8:37

I keep expecting the miles at this pace to feel easier, but it's just not coming.  I know I'm in pretty good shape right now, but I still feel like I've got a long way to go before I reach peak condition.  But that's okay, because the Maui Marathon is still about six weeks way.  Hope your week is going well!
... Be Great Today!


  1. Replies
    1. Not at Maui ... impossible conditions, we'll see later in the year (he said knowing there was no shot ever)

  2. Every time I read your posts I thank God that it's winter. I vow never to complain about arctic conditions when the alternative is such a buzz-kill for running.

    1. Ya know, the conditions are miserable, but I much prefer it over winter running Char. I just don't do the cold very well.

  3. Glad to see your hip issues are resolved. I started to run again roughly 2 years ago, and I am usually at about 45-50 miles per week. Just wanted to say that you are an inspiration to a lot of us and I hope you continue to run and blog about it for years to come.

    1. Man (or woman), I really appreciate that! It's a struggle as we age, but hopefully we can stay ahead of the process. 45-50 miles per week is way more than most folks do, great job, and thank you so much for reading and reaching out. Have a great weekend!

  4. Amazing job!! Your like the energizer bunny!!!! Except you're not fluffy and pink....
    : )
    Your fast even in the humidity/heat!

    1. Eh, probably just running too fast at this stage in my training, but thanks Melissa


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