
Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Track Tuesday: Killed It

Somebody call the cops ... because I murdered this workout!  And, as I sit writing about it 12 hours later, I'm still amped up ... but it might just be my elevated heart rate.  We caught a break with the temperature, as it was only about 73 degrees for the run, but we still had 86% humidity, which made it impossible to breath and kept my times a little slower than I was targeting.  But I was able to get in two miles near 5K pace, then 12 x 400 meter repeats.  Here's how the workout went ...

Tuesday morning at Bernard Campbell Jr. High in Lee's Summit, MO ... the scoreboard should read ME...1, TRACK...Zero!!!
2 Miles slow warm up
     1 Mile ... 6:17/pace
     12 x 400 meter repeats with 90 seconds jogging recovery
     (1:20, 1:17, 1:20, 1:19, 1:22, 1:19, 1:20, 1:19, 1:19, 1:18, 1:20, 1:20) 5:16/mile avg pace
     1 Mile ... 6:08/pace
1 Mile cool down

I actually wanted to be 1:15 on the 400's, but I felt like the humidity really sapped my energy.  But I was proud of the way I fought through it, and when I wrapped up with the 6:08/mile, I still felt like I had pretty good energy.  Enough energy that in the evening, I ran a 5 mile recovery trail run ... but after that I was pretty spent.

So in spite of the humid conditions, I kicked that track's a--!  Go me!  And hopefully I can keep building on the training, it's going well so far this summer.
... Be Great Today!


  1. Nice work Jim. I have a hard time doing track workouts, unless I was with a group. I also have a sneaking suspicion they led to a bout of Achilles Tendinitis. I'll have to go look and see what my best 400 repeats were back when I was racing a lot more 5Ks. I think 1:28 or so, maybe 1:23 if I was lucky. Now I think I could hit 1:45's.

    Expect your race performance to go through the roof once fall hits.

    1. Thanks Eddie, yeah I always have to be careful with track workouts as well, I tend to try to run too fast, which is the main way I get injured. Hopefully once it cools off a little, I can shave a few seconds off those times.

  2. You are super strong this summer. And your form above looks good, too. It's easy for fatigue to set in and ruin your form! What's the next race for you?

  3. 5K on August 22nd that I want to run well, 10K on Sept 13 that I'd really like to PR - but is probably doubtful, and then Maui Marathon

  4. awesome job!!!!!!!
    looks like a solid track day!
    I too have a 5k on the 22nd and you can bet I will be trying to channel my inner jim/cheetah as I plow through a track workout tonight
    : )

    1. Thanks Melissa, but you're in much better shape and faster than this old man, ha.


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