
Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Eh, It's A Start

So I ran my first Tempo Run in a while on Wednesday morning in Des Moines, IA ... and I guess you could say I had mixed results.  I fully expected it to be much slower and shorter than in the past, but at this point I really just wanted to push myself a little with results not really being the primary focus.

Here are the splits for the 8 mile run:

8:04, 7:31, 6:59, 6:58, 6:50, 6:48, 6:42, 8:30

The temperature was only 72F with 90% humidity, so about normal for mid-August in the Midwest.  But the course I ran had quite a few long hills and I've done very little hill running over the past few weeks.  So overall I was fairly happy with the pace.

The main thing I'm trying to focus on is not going too fast too soon.  At this point, I need to drop about 8-10 lbs and start increasing the distance.  But more than that, I need to increase my core and hip work.  I'm really weak through the middle right now and I can feel little twinges here and there simple due a weak core.  But I've actually been adding a little more ab and hip work over the past few weeks, so hopefully I'll get right before long.

Anyway, the run wasn't anything to bang a gong about ... but it's a good benchmark.  Have a good week.

Chase greatness.


  1. I'm struggling with my tempo runs and they're at marathon pace! By mile three-ish, my shoes are full of sweat and squelching terribly. I hate that part. And the no-stopping rule means no water, unless I break down and buy a hand-held, and boy has that been tough. I can definitely end up dehydrated that way. I'm sure you identify - you have humid mornings, too. I'm hoping that the fall brings some temperatures under 90 and reasonable humidity.

  2. You and Florida are about the only parts of the country with worse hot/humid mornings than us. Your paces will come back, they always do. You're awesome ... just hang in there, it won't be much longer. And all of our thoughts and prayers with the folks North of you.

  3. That's the ped bridge by my work... My runs are always a slog this time of year. The coolness in the morning helps but the humidity still makes me feel like I'm breathing through a straw. Cannot wait until it is cool and less humid.

    1. Well I don't know where you work, lol, but it's definitely the ped bridge by the Hampton Inn in West Des Moines ... yes, less humidity would be great!


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