
Sunday, August 14, 2016

Hello My Friend We Meet Again

Just wanted to touch base and update everyone on how the Summer's going.  I've been working a lot, traveling a lot, going to a lot of Royals games, and running here and there.  I'm still eating whatever and whenever I want, which has me consistently in the mid 180's, but that's about ready to change ... hopefully.

I think I've got a marathon targeted for November ... although I'll probably keep where and when to myself for a while.  But if we sign up, it will be my goal to get my 8th Boston Qualifying time.  With the shape I'm in, that will be a VERY lofty goal, but I know that it will refocus me.  I've been gradually running more and more and even ran about 45 miles in the past week.  So with the exception of my diet, I feel like I'm inching back into contention.  But I've really got to get back to core and hip work.

So anyway ... not much to report other than I'm still alive and hopefully will back to full training in the next few weeks.  Have a great week!


1 comment:

  1. If we both keep up our weight trends, we'll be the same size by Christmas.


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